Friday, December 26, 2008

are you ready kids?!,ai kapten!...

Posted by | | 1 speak up year is juz around da,hv any plans and visions?...well,for my new vision,i want to get at least 3.67 for next accomplish this vision,my misions are concentrate in class, put extra effort on killer subjects n do a lot of exercises about certains subjects...other than that, not to forget, always do 'hajat' prayer to ALLAH...insyaAllah...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

tension lor....

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salam...ugh,im in trouble right exam is coming soon...i think im not preparing enough..what to do? carry marks for each subjects such a sucks...some of it average.but mostly of tghem are less that i predicted before...plez,whish me gudluck...may allah bless my life and what i have studied and may study in future...

Friday, May 30, 2008

sedarlah sahabatku....

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assalamualaikum wbt.

i have finished my reading of a novel-->tautan is such a very fantastic n awesome novel.the story and inner monologs are going very smoothly...the messages that she wants to let us think n review on ourselves.while i read the novel,it seems like a self mirror for me.too much sins i did and too much time i had spent for my life about my lover? lover that is the only one....ALLAH.i think i had forgotten HIM way out too much...

it is a great novel.its been written as a source for tarbiyah for muslims and muslimah.everytimes i read this novel, drops of tears will roll down my cheek.feeling very humble and being fool by happiness in this life always crawling in my heart everytimes when words in the novel running in my mind.i think,as a muslimh, we should search our reading sources that base on we know, islam is the of life....even in islam,we even have doa for after getting from bed until getting to bed again...islam is very beautiful. as a muslimah,i am very grateful to be born in islam's family.even we are not really obey on what allah told us,but i am on being a good muslimah and a solehah muslimah. and i am very hope that my family will be tarbiyah by somebody one day(maybe me...insyaallah.with god's will) and we all live with HIS blessing.

now i know,after i met some of students from utm while i was studying there since this early of year,my life is not on the track that it should,i am trying to be a better muslimah and do what a solehah muslimah should do....

surah al-A’raf ayat 165,
“Maka tatkala mereka melupakan (tidak menghiraukan) apa yang diperingatkan kepada mereka, Kami selamatkan orang-orang yang melarang daripada perbuatan jahat itu dan Kami timpakan orang-orang zalim dengan azab seksa yang amat berat, disebabkan mereka berlaku fasik.”...quran had been given by allah to his prophet muhammad saw since thousand of years quran, allah had given his reminder to his humanity.that means,allah have given his reminder to US since thousand of years ago.but... we still ignore it...we still take HIS words easy....please MY FAMILY....please MY FRIENDS...find our way to allah...may allah love us forever and may allah give us his hidayah and nur..

hadis riwayat Tabrani,
“Barang siapa yang solatnya tidak dapat mencegah dirinya dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar, maka orang itu tidaklah ditambah oleh Allah melainkan jauh, yakni jauh dari kebenaran.”

surah Taha ayat 14,
“dan dirikanlah solat untuk mengingati Daku.”

allah had reward us with a responsible to perform our prayers to HIM five times a a muslim and muslimah,we should do it with such a pure heart...only for HIM.not because being force by parents or ashame of roomates....but only because of ALLAH....

Friday, May 23, 2008

ahlan wasahlan bikum...

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im back from utm n staying at my home for aproximately,only 1 MONTH!...HUK3.but,its least i get some rest..but,im a bit boring at home.nobody to be talk with.i only have my mom,my phone and walls..great walls to be talk with...lolz, not that extremely lonely...well,i learn to be lazy...thats not boring,huh?...he3.
k,enough of joking and more on planning(wow,getting serious though,hehe)..i do have some option for fulfill my holiday:
--> go to an island(...but,no bujget)
--> go to KL at my sis's house(i still think that im going to be boring there...)
--> jogging at park once a week(..if i get woke up early)
--> become a statue at my home(always did that..he3)
--> read a novel-'tautan hati'(im on it)
--> learn quran with my mom's guru( im on it)

thats all i guess...huk3

Thursday, May 1, 2008

seloka tentang aurat...

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Tutup aurat satu tuntutan,
Dalam keluarga wajib tekankan,
Kalau keras hati gunalah rotan,
Demi melaksanakan perintah Tuhan.

Aurat ditutup mestilah lengkap,
Tudung litup termasuk skap,
Mini telekong pun orang cakap,
Elok dipandang tak payah pun 'make up'.

Berbaju kurung bukanlah mengurung
Lebih elok jubah jika direnung,
Kaki pula eloklah bersarung,
Agar syaitan susah nak bertarung.

Kalau wanita menutup aurat,
Orang jahat tak berani ngorat,
Bahkan boleh menjadi ubat,
Orang memandang boleh bertaubat.

Pakaian modern memanglah hebat,
Harganya mahal walaupun ketat,
Walaupun cantik tetapi singkat,
Orang memakai pun nampak pusat.

Berseluar ketat baju pun ketat,
Jarangnya pulak boleh dilihat,
Orang yang memakai memanglah dipandang
Dimurka oleh Allah, Rasul dan para

Apa yang aneh bila dipandang,
Lengan pendek tapi bertudung,
Nampak seperti orang yang kudung,
Mata memandang ketiak seperti ikan

Lagilah aneh bila di fikir,
Baju kebaya tudung berukir,
Nampak dada iman terjungkir,
Kain terbelah peha terukir.

Bila ditanya kenapa begitu,
Dia kata fesyennya dah macam tu,
Di dalam hati niat tertentu,
Menggoda jantan sudahlah tentu.

Menutup aurat boleh berfesyen,
Tetapi jangan menunjuk eksyen,
Sesuaikan diri ikut profesyen,
Kalau dilaknat tak guna sesen.

Kalau nak "Make Up" biarlah padan,
Jangan terlebih bila berdandan,
Minyak wangi juga fikirkan,
Bedak dan gincu sekadar keperluan.

Kasut tinggi cuba jauhi,
Kerana ia melahirkan bunyi,
Boleh menarik perhatian lelaki,
Perbuatan ini dibenci Ilahi.

Apatah lagi menghentakkan kaki,
Menarik perhatian orang laki-laki,
Melenggok punggung membinasakan diri,
Ustaz melihat pun separuh mati.

Buat apa nak tayang jambul,
Kecantikan tak usah ditonjol-tonjol,
Mahkota disimpan tak jadi bisol,
Memakai tudung Islam tersimbol.

Selokaku ini bukanlah jahat,
Cuma saja mahu peringat,
Kepada semua para sahabat,
Terutama sekali rakan sejawat.

Kalau nak ikut nasihat ini,
Jangan bertangguh ubahlah diri,
Benda yang baik tak payah diuji,
Akan terserlah akhlak terpuji.

Kepada semua kawan lelaki,
Jangan tergelak wanita diperli,
Keluarga kita tak terkecuali,
Terutama sekali anak dan bini.

Sudahkah kita tanamkan iman,
Menutup aurat sepanjang badan,
Ke sana sini dilindungi Tuhan,
Keluarga menjadi contoh teladan.

Setakat ini seloka ku ini,
Harap dapat menghibur hati,
Apa yang baik hendaklah ikuti,
kalau boleh seikhlas hati

Thursday, April 3, 2008


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im very busy lately with studying in after day,studying being very hard as new topics are expose to us i know how it feel and such exhausted study at university in a very young age....its dare my mind mentally and physically...but,that is a experience to me so that i can learn from my mistakes and other people around me...tomorrow, at 10 am,i ll attend an interview that being held at UMT for the application on scholarship by feel lost because my preparation is very less...hope that everything will be great tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

syukur alhamdulillah

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the SPM result is out mom n i went to my skool on heart was pounding so fast...really2 scared...but,before i can get the result,all ofdebts that i have on skool have to be settle first...huk3.poor mummy...she have to wait for almost an hour at outside of the hall...and poor me coz i have to queue up at counter with crowded people...feeuhh!!..such a tired day.but,other than that,im also happy coz i met almost all of my friends very miss all of them..after i paid all the debts,well,time to get the so scared...with willing of god,alhamdulillah,i get 6A1,3A2 AND 1B3...i dont get straight A's but this result is enough for me to be qualified in universiti teknology malaysia...oh god,im so happy,thanx a lot ALLAH...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

untuk maklumat bagi muslims....

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Untuk makluman semua:

1. Ayam keluaran
Perak Duck yan dijual di Tesco
didapati TIDAK HALAL dan tealh disaman
RM 5 juta. Disiarkan dalam NST ms 26
dan Berita Harian.
2. Terdapat
bendasing dalam coca cola yg belum
3. Kopi Pahlawan - kopi yg
dilaporkan mengandungi racun membawa
4. Bebola ikan yg diproses dari
usus babi keluaran GSB Seafood Ent
Sila war - warkan kpd kawan2.

sebagai umat islam,wajib bagi kita untuk mencari makanan dan minuman serta perkara2 yang halal untuk digunakan dalam kehidupan,berwaspada lah ketika membeli di pasaraya n make sure ade cop tanda halal dari JAKIM...

Thursday, March 6, 2008


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hi evryone...its almost a week im at home but my assignment havent done a bit lazy when i get im buzy trying my new phone...humm,its have cybershot.thats why i chose to buy it at a first place...i want to have digital camera but i also want to have new phone...i made up my mind to chose this phone coz its have camera n also have more lot of functions...lolz.i know u dont even wanna know,if u stop by at my blog,feel free to give any comment and also if u see i post a poll,feel free to answer it....

hi y'all

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ok..i already have telephone right now but there is nothing in it yet for such as songs n cool sis is coming back today.i cant wait to transfer all of songs in her phone into mine using bluetooth...he3...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


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i cant wait to get my new handphone...its sony ericsson, going to get it tonight.its not really expensive..but its NEW HANDPHONE...he3

hp lme !!!!!

nice hah?...well,i buy it using my mom,she promise to get me a new handphone but i have to wait much not good at,i buy it on my OWN...huk3.anyway,at least i dont have to wait anymore...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


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greetings evryone...first of all, im very glad coz this is my first time doing blogs as it is kinda new to me...i kno its been something that old to vryone...lolz.anyway, i have nothing to say yet....well,support me to continue sending my blogs.....daaa...
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