Friday, May 30, 2008
sedarlah sahabatku....
assalamualaikum wbt.
i have finished my reading of a novel-->tautan is such a very fantastic n awesome novel.the story and inner monologs are going very smoothly...the messages that she wants to let us think n review on ourselves.while i read the novel,it seems like a self mirror for me.too much sins i did and too much time i had spent for my life about my lover? lover that is the only one....ALLAH.i think i had forgotten HIM way out too much...
it is a great novel.its been written as a source for tarbiyah for muslims and muslimah.everytimes i read this novel, drops of tears will roll down my cheek.feeling very humble and being fool by happiness in this life always crawling in my heart everytimes when words in the novel running in my mind.i think,as a muslimh, we should search our reading sources that base on we know, islam is the of life....even in islam,we even have doa for after getting from bed until getting to bed again...islam is very beautiful. as a muslimah,i am very grateful to be born in islam's family.even we are not really obey on what allah told us,but i am on being a good muslimah and a solehah muslimah. and i am very hope that my family will be tarbiyah by somebody one day(maybe me...insyaallah.with god's will) and we all live with HIS blessing.

now i know,after i met some of students from utm while i was studying there since this early of year,my life is not on the track that it should,i am trying to be a better muslimah and do what a solehah muslimah should do....
surah al-A’raf ayat 165,
“Maka tatkala mereka melupakan (tidak menghiraukan) apa yang diperingatkan kepada mereka, Kami selamatkan orang-orang yang melarang daripada perbuatan jahat itu dan Kami timpakan orang-orang zalim dengan azab seksa yang amat berat, disebabkan mereka berlaku fasik.”...quran had been given by allah to his prophet muhammad saw since thousand of years quran, allah had given his reminder to his humanity.that means,allah have given his reminder to US since thousand of years ago.but... we still ignore it...we still take HIS words easy....please MY FAMILY....please MY FRIENDS...find our way to allah...may allah love us forever and may allah give us his hidayah and nur..
hadis riwayat Tabrani,
“Barang siapa yang solatnya tidak dapat mencegah dirinya dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar, maka orang itu tidaklah ditambah oleh Allah melainkan jauh, yakni jauh dari kebenaran.”
surah Taha ayat 14,
“dan dirikanlah solat untuk mengingati Daku.”
allah had reward us with a responsible to perform our prayers to HIM five times a a muslim and muslimah,we should do it with such a pure heart...only for HIM.not because being force by parents or ashame of roomates....but only because of ALLAH....
i have finished my reading of a novel-->tautan is such a very fantastic n awesome novel.the story and inner monologs are going very smoothly...the messages that she wants to let us think n review on ourselves.while i read the novel,it seems like a self mirror for me.too much sins i did and too much time i had spent for my life about my lover? lover that is the only one....ALLAH.i think i had forgotten HIM way out too much...
it is a great novel.its been written as a source for tarbiyah for muslims and muslimah.everytimes i read this novel, drops of tears will roll down my cheek.feeling very humble and being fool by happiness in this life always crawling in my heart everytimes when words in the novel running in my mind.i think,as a muslimh, we should search our reading sources that base on we know, islam is the of life....even in islam,we even have doa for after getting from bed until getting to bed again...islam is very beautiful. as a muslimah,i am very grateful to be born in islam's family.even we are not really obey on what allah told us,but i am on being a good muslimah and a solehah muslimah. and i am very hope that my family will be tarbiyah by somebody one day(maybe me...insyaallah.with god's will) and we all live with HIS blessing.

now i know,after i met some of students from utm while i was studying there since this early of year,my life is not on the track that it should,i am trying to be a better muslimah and do what a solehah muslimah should do....
surah al-A’raf ayat 165,
“Maka tatkala mereka melupakan (tidak menghiraukan) apa yang diperingatkan kepada mereka, Kami selamatkan orang-orang yang melarang daripada perbuatan jahat itu dan Kami timpakan orang-orang zalim dengan azab seksa yang amat berat, disebabkan mereka berlaku fasik.”...quran had been given by allah to his prophet muhammad saw since thousand of years quran, allah had given his reminder to his humanity.that means,allah have given his reminder to US since thousand of years ago.but... we still ignore it...we still take HIS words easy....please MY FAMILY....please MY FRIENDS...find our way to allah...may allah love us forever and may allah give us his hidayah and nur..
hadis riwayat Tabrani,
“Barang siapa yang solatnya tidak dapat mencegah dirinya dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar, maka orang itu tidaklah ditambah oleh Allah melainkan jauh, yakni jauh dari kebenaran.”
surah Taha ayat 14,
“dan dirikanlah solat untuk mengingati Daku.”
allah had reward us with a responsible to perform our prayers to HIM five times a a muslim and muslimah,we should do it with such a pure heart...only for HIM.not because being force by parents or ashame of roomates....but only because of ALLAH....